Take an Exam for an IU Indianapolis Class

For additional information, email Classroom Testing.

Hours of operation

Rules for using this lab

  • Students should register at least 24 hours in advance of their exam to reserve a seat.
  • CrimsonCard or a valid government-issued photo ID (driver's license, state ID card, Passport, etc.) is required.
  • Students must register for their exam appointment using their @iu.edu email address.
  • Please place all personal belongings into your backpack prior to entering testing labs.
  • Sit in your assigned seat.
  • Do not open new desktop windows or applications while taking a test.
  • Do not use notes or other course material unless instructor approved. .
  • If you are taking a test that requires a calculator, it must be a TI-30Xa for math students and a TI-30Xa or TI-30X IIS for chemistry students. You may not bring the calculator cover inside the lab.
  • Keep your eyes on your own screen.
  • Talking is not allowed. If you need help during the test, raise your hand.
  • Stay until you finish the test. If you must leave the lab, raise your hand and the proctor will assist you.
  • Labs close at 7 p.m. on Monday through Thursday, 6:00 pm on Friday and 3pm on Saturday during the regular academic year. Students must submit and close tests at that time. Failure to comply may result in campus security being called.
  • Please consider rescheduling your exam if you are feeling ill.
  • Phones are to be placed in lockers located outside the Testing Center.
  • Students need to show up promptly for the appointment.
  • NOTE: Testing Center staff has the right to request removal of disruptive students, who demonstrate aggressive behavior and/or fail to follow Testing Center policies and procedures. In extreme cases, police/security will be notified.

Students wishing to request an accommodation must contact Accessible Educational Services (aes@iu.edu, 317-274-3241, UC-100).