SL070 Testing Center Policies and Procedures
The Testing Center’s professional staff is committed to providing all test takers with a testing environment that is free from distractions. We will offer friendly service and outstanding support to all students testing in the Testing Center. We strictly adhere to the guidelines set forth in the National College Testing Association's Standards and Guidelines for Post-Secondary Test Centers Our Testing Center follows standard procedures so students know what to expect when they arrive to take their tests. Please familiarize yourself with the following procedures.
ID Verification
The Testing Center staff will verify every tester’s student ID (CrimsonCard) when checking in to the Testing Center to take an exam. Testers will not be allowed to test without a physical CrimsonCard.
Quiet and distraction free environment
With 133 testing stations in the SL070 Testing Center, there will frequently be many test-takers in the testing labs at the same time Please be considerate to others and be mindful to keep noise and other distractions to a minimum Staff members will monitor the testing labs to address your questions or concerns. Raise your hand if there is an issue that requires our assistance and we will quietly address the situation.
Testing aids and other materials
Bring only the materials that an instructor has allowed for a given test.
- Calculators must be the type(s) specified by the instructor. Calculators with Internet capability are not permitted.
- Some instructors provide a handout and/or set of instructions for taking an exam. These items must be returned directly to a staff member before checking out of the Testing Center.
- Scratch paper is provided in the testing labs. If you choose to use scratch paper, you must place it in the trash receptacles at the check-out station. You are not allowed to take any scratch paper or other testing materials out of the Testing Center
Personal belongings and electronic devices
Personal belongings such as backpacks, books, electronic devices, cell phones, watches, Fitbits, wallets, purses or keys must not be brought into the testing labs Hats and beanies are not allowed in the testing area. Exceptions are made for religious headwear You must place all larger items in a locker.
Surveillance & monitoring
In addition to physical proctors inside the testing labs, the Testing Center also employs video surveillance and recording technologies to maintain an environment of academic integrity Video surveillance will remain available for review for up to six months following each day's exams.
Student conduct and discipline
One of two actions will be taken based if students violate the Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct as outlined on the Division of Student Affairs’ website while testing in the Testing Center. In some instances, a tester is allowed to complete the exam and then speak with a supervisor at the conclusion of the exam; whereas, in other instances a tester is directed to stop the test immediately and speak with a supervisor at that time. Regardless of the way the incident is addressed, a Testing Center supervisor will collect all pertinent information from the student, complete an incident report detailing the act(s) of academic misconduct and forward the incident report to the student’s instructor for his or her review. After reviewing the content in the incident report, an instructor must then take specific actions to determine whether or not the student did indeed commit an act of academic dishonesty, and if so, the instructor is authorized to impose a sanction or combination of sanctions for academic misconduct related to the particular course involved.
NOTE: Testing Center staff has the right to request removal of disruptive students, who demonstrate aggressive behavior and/or fail to follow Testing Center policies and procedures. In extreme cases, police/security will be notified